Ongoing Score

With this turned on, each page will display the student's current points earned out of the total possible thus far. Example: a student has answered four 5 point questions and answered one incorrectly. The ongoing score would print that s/he has currently earned 15/20 points.


  1. A lesson is made up of a number of pages and optionally branch tables.
  2. A page contains some content and it normally ends with a question. Thus the term Question Page.
  3. For Essay Questions, there is no answer, just a score, feedback, and a page jump.
  4. Each answer can have a short piece of text which is displayed if the answer is chosen. This piece of text is called the response.
  5. Also associated with each answer is a jump. The jump can be relative - this page, next page - or absolute - specifying any one of the pages in the lesson or the end of the lesson.
  6. By default, the first answer jumps to the next page in the lesson. The subsequent answers jump to the same page. That is, the student is shown the same page of the lesson again if they do not chose the first answer. If you have already created a cluster with an end of cluster, and the question is within it, you can also choose to jump to an Unseen Question within the cluster. This option will not be shown if you are not in a cluster. You can surround a set of questions with cluster and end of cluster at any time.
  7. The next page is determined by the lesson's logical order. This is the order of the pages as seen by the teacher. This order can be altered by moving pages within the lesson.
  8. The lesson also has a navigation order. This is the order of the pages as seen by the students. This is determined by the jumps specified for individual answers and it can be very different from the logical order. (Although if the jumps are not changed from their default values the two are strongly related.) The teacher has the option to check the navigation order.
  9. When displayed to the students, the answers are usually shuffled. That is, the first answer from the teacher's point of view will not necessarily be the first answer in the list shown to the students. (Further, each time the same set of answers is displayed they are likely to appear in a different order.) The exception is sets of answers for matching-type questions, here the answers are shown in the same order as input by the teacher.
  10. The number of answers can vary from page to page. For example, it is allowed that some pages can end with a true/false question while others have questions with one correct answer and three, say, distractors.
  11. It is possible to set up a page without any answers. The students are shown a Continue link instead of the set of shuffled answers.
  12. If custom scoring is off: for the purposes of grading the lessons, correct answers are ones which jump to a page which is further down the logical order than the current page.